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[D4Y]⇒ Read The Suicidal Peanut Matthew J Metzger Books

The Suicidal Peanut Matthew J Metzger Books

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Life's not easy when your mum's nuts, your uncle is becoming your aunt, and one of your crushes could -- and probably would -- break your face if he found out how you felt about him.

That's Tab's life, though, malevolent gods and all. His text-flirting with Demi, the brother of his best friend, is going nowhere Demi already has a boyfriend and anyway, who dates their best friend's twin? But then, the pining after Nick is going nowhere either, because Nick probably likes gay-bashing on Friday nights for fun. He's gorgeous, but he's dangerous, and Tab knows better than that.

So what's a bit of harmless flirting, when one is taken and the other is straight? It's just a bit of fun.

That is until Demi is suddenly single, and Nick is not looking as straight and scary as he was before.

The Suicidal Peanut Matthew J Metzger Books

Smart. Funny. Well-written. Thought-provoking. Touching.

Tab is 17. He’s survived high school in fairly good shape, but for his mother’s downward spiral into madness, which has left him living with his gay Uncle Eddie and Eddie’s trans partner JuliKate. Eddie and his makeshift family live over the store, which in this case is a boxing gymnasium and training center somewhere in an English city. Tab (definitely not a boxer) goes to art school and helps out at the front desk.

It is from this vantage point that he bemoans his virginity and develops a crush on a mysterious young boxing student with broken teeth and cheekbones that could cut glass. Simultaneously, Tab’s schoolmate Maxie pushes him to get to know her gay twin brother, Demi, and thus Tab develops a texting relationship (kids these days) with Demi, whom he has never met.

The central charm in this winsome tale of young romantic frustration is Tab’s character. We see everything through his eyes, and thus see only what he sees, blinded a bit by his own self-doubts and hormone-infused youth. Tab is a profoundly sweet and gentle boy; stronger than he thinks, but compassionate and big-hearted. Raised by a mad mother and his unconventional uncle and aunt, he isn’t quite sure how he should be socially in the world, which sometimes prevents him from seeing what might be right before his eyes.

The most vividly presented second-tier player in Tab’s drama is his friend Maxie, who’s larger than life in every way and is a smart foil to Tab’s own shrinking violet self. The more nebulous figures of Nick (the boxer) and Demi (the twin text friend) are subtly sketched out for us, purposely kept vague because that’s the way Tab sees them.

The overarching motif of the book is a portrait that Tab is making for his college drawing class, to be displayed and critiqued in a class exhibition. The carefully thought out use of Tab’s drawing – how he approaches his subject; the techniques he decides to use to depict his “sitter;” and his own emotional turmoil over the whole project – serve to give us deeper insight into Tab’s own soul. The reader can see that Tab is a naturally gifted artist, even if he doesn’t believe it himself. We struggle alongside Tab to deal with his feelings about Nick (who he sees but doesn’t know) and Demi (who he knows but doesn’t see). The pain Tab feels, and which we share, is mitigated by his sense of humor, and the author’s ability to make us laugh at the foibles of being a teenager without losing any sympathy.

A really wonderful YA book that distinguishes itself by sheer cleverness and understanding of the teenage mind.

Product details

  • Paperback 158 pages
  • Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (September 2, 2015)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 9781515308256
  • ISBN-13 978-1515308256
  • ASIN 1515308251

Read  The Suicidal Peanut Matthew J Metzger Books

Tags : The Suicidal Peanut (9781515308256): Matthew J. Metzger: Books,Matthew J. Metzger,The Suicidal Peanut,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1515308251,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Juvenile Fiction Lgbt,LGBT,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,Young Adult Fiction LGBT
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The Suicidal Peanut Matthew J Metzger Books Reviews

A lovely sweet book with a good storyline. The font is small to read so the book is actually longer than expected so it does get slightly dull in places. One big issue is half the book is written in text type ,e.g where r u @ (where are you at), and while they are supposed to be texting I found this irritating and difficult to follow. I would recommend reading for a feel good lgbt book if you dont mind text type.
“Never assume the obvious is true.” ~ William Safire

Tab's life is complicated. He never knew his father. His mother is a free spirit who has completely lost touch with reality and is in a hospital, most likely for life. He lives with his Uncle Eddie who is gay and JuliKate, who used to be Uncle Julius but is now transitioning to Aunt Kate. Tab works at Eddie's boxing club and has a mad crush on Nick, one of the student boxers. Tab is gay, but has never had a boyfriend. He's convinced that Nick is straight, so choses to worship him from afar. Tab doesn't want to admit it and possibly get punched in the face or worse, but it doesn't stop him from dreaming about what would happen if Nick weren't straight.

Tab attends an art college and is currently stressing over his latest art assignment, creating a portraiture of someone. Tab hates drawing people, preferring cartoons instead. His friend, Maxi, latched on to him the first day of school and hasn't let go since. Tab likes Maxi, but she can be a bit overbearing at times. Her latest “project” is to get Tab together with her twin brother, Demi, who just happens to have a boyfriend. Against his better judgment, Tab and Demi start texting and become good friends although they have never met. Tab likes Demi a lot, but even when Demi's “bad boyfriend” breaks up with him, Tab can't make the jump from friends to something more; he's still trying to figure out his feelings for Nick who is oblivious to Tab's feelings.

Tab decides to use Nick as his subject for the portraiture assignment, without his permission. Tab finally has to break down and tell Nick what he is doing because he needs a photograph of him. Tab gets to know Nick better but is still convinced he's straight and continues to keep his feelings to himself. When Nick defends him against another boxer who throws a homophobic slur at Tab, which embarrasses and exhilarates him at the same time, it makes Tab feel a bit better by knowing Nick at least tolerates gays. Tab isn't hiding his crush quite as well as he thinks. Uncle Eddie sees it and encourages Tab to go for it, but telling him that Nick is not going to be able to take hints. He is going to have to tell him directly or Nick won't ever catch on. Tab is shy and is still convinced Nick is straight and his affections would not be welcomed. Tab's feelings for Demi are confusing him although he's always been honest with him. Tab, being the nice guy he is, doesn't want to lead Demi on even though he knows about Tab's feelings for Nick. Demi's understanding makes Tab wonder if he shouldn't try to get over his crush on Nick and go for Demi. When he and Nick become closer, Tab even talks to Nick about having two guys in his life but not being able to make a choice. Nick listens and is sympathetic, but doesn't have an answer for Tab. As far as he sees it, there is no apparent way out of his dilemma.

When I first read the title I was amused, but when I saw that Matthew had written it and that it was a comedy, I knew I wanted to read it. Previously, Matthew's work has been impressive, with great writing skills and his knack for displaying intense emotion, but his books have also been serious and often sad. This book is different, but every bit as good. Matthew has easily bridged the genre gap, displaying his versatility. Matthew's ability to write a story which is hilarious at times, yet also having a serious and emotional side mixed in is exceptional. Tab's running dialogue with himself is often beyond funny and his view of the world, no doubt influenced by his “flower child” mom, is unique and poignant. Tab is a very special character whom I'd love to see again. What about it, Matthew? You've proven how good you are at comedy. Why not write a sequel? Even though technically a Young Adult book, I believe grown-ups will love the delightful, endearing characters and the funny, enlightening, sad, and typically teen attitudes. I highly recommend it for any of you who wish to be thoroughly entertained and amused. Thank you, Matthew, for your talent, cheek, and wit in creating such a gratifying literary experience.

Originally reviewed at Rainbow Book Reviews.
I loved this story. Poor Tab really need I break. I was so invested in his life. I think you’ll love him too. Give it a go and let the feels wash over you. 4.5 for Gods.
I was drawn by the title and thought why not. A great story, little sex and angst but just young adults making their way in the world. Tab is living with his Uncle Eddie and Eddie's partner Julikate ( a transsexual undergoing treatment). Eddie owns a boxing studio and Tab helps out after college. Tab has a crush on one of the young boxers but is also falling ( through text messages) for Demi the brother of his best friend. What is a boy to do? Does he ask Nic the young boxer and risk his teeth or does he meet up with Demi?
4.5 stars

I have meant to read on of his books for like a year. So when I saw this new release I decided I had put if off long enough.

As a fan of YA, I enjoyed the lack of "steam" on this one. In fact, camouflaged NA as YA is one of my pet peeves. But this was a great story and the author does a great job with the twist at the end. He played on my assumptions and fooled me entirely.
Smart. Funny. Well-written. Thought-provoking. Touching.

Tab is 17. He’s survived high school in fairly good shape, but for his mother’s downward spiral into madness, which has left him living with his gay Uncle Eddie and Eddie’s trans partner JuliKate. Eddie and his makeshift family live over the store, which in this case is a boxing gymnasium and training center somewhere in an English city. Tab (definitely not a boxer) goes to art school and helps out at the front desk.

It is from this vantage point that he bemoans his virginity and develops a crush on a mysterious young boxing student with broken teeth and cheekbones that could cut glass. Simultaneously, Tab’s schoolmate Maxie pushes him to get to know her gay twin brother, Demi, and thus Tab develops a texting relationship (kids these days) with Demi, whom he has never met.

The central charm in this winsome tale of young romantic frustration is Tab’s character. We see everything through his eyes, and thus see only what he sees, blinded a bit by his own self-doubts and hormone-infused youth. Tab is a profoundly sweet and gentle boy; stronger than he thinks, but compassionate and big-hearted. Raised by a mad mother and his unconventional uncle and aunt, he isn’t quite sure how he should be socially in the world, which sometimes prevents him from seeing what might be right before his eyes.

The most vividly presented second-tier player in Tab’s drama is his friend Maxie, who’s larger than life in every way and is a smart foil to Tab’s own shrinking violet self. The more nebulous figures of Nick (the boxer) and Demi (the twin text friend) are subtly sketched out for us, purposely kept vague because that’s the way Tab sees them.

The overarching motif of the book is a portrait that Tab is making for his college drawing class, to be displayed and critiqued in a class exhibition. The carefully thought out use of Tab’s drawing – how he approaches his subject; the techniques he decides to use to depict his “sitter;” and his own emotional turmoil over the whole project – serve to give us deeper insight into Tab’s own soul. The reader can see that Tab is a naturally gifted artist, even if he doesn’t believe it himself. We struggle alongside Tab to deal with his feelings about Nick (who he sees but doesn’t know) and Demi (who he knows but doesn’t see). The pain Tab feels, and which we share, is mitigated by his sense of humor, and the author’s ability to make us laugh at the foibles of being a teenager without losing any sympathy.

A really wonderful YA book that distinguishes itself by sheer cleverness and understanding of the teenage mind.
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